Coastal and marine geoscience
Understanding the nature and complex dynamics of the seabed is fundamental to working in marine systems. Using our experience in the oceanography, sedimentology, marine geomorphology and stratigraphy of temperate and tropical systems, our scientists help clients assess sediment dispersion, evaluate routes for pipelines and cables and gauge the future stability of their coastal and seabed structures.
Applied expertise
We specialise in measuring and modelling sediment transport with advanced instrumentation including wave and current meters, field-deployable in-situ laser particle sizers and settling columns, turbidity sensors, and proprietary modelling software. We are world leaders in understanding sedimentary processes through data collection, analysis, and associated interpretation.聽
We interpret the distribution of seabed sediments and cores using research and marine geophysical survey data. Our integrated approach delivers informed support for engineering design and operational planning of coastal and seabed structures. Our long-term view of sedimentary change is necessary to evaluate hazards to developments with multi-decadal design lives.
Our expertise
- Designing sedimentary surveys
- Measuring sediment transport and accumulation, including dredging and disposal
- Calibrating, validating, and developing sediment transport models
- Sampling coastal and marine sediments
- Assessing engineering and environmental impacts
- Performing technical reviews and interpretation of existing data
- Assessing past and present seabed mobility
- Considering future geomorphological scenarios to help design of coastal intakes and outfalls (e.g. for nuclear power)
- Integrating geoscience with biology, archaeology, and water quality information
- Predicting underwater visibility for Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs)
- Providing expert witness testimony